Let’s just get this out of the way: outbound links improve your website’s ranking in search engines. There are those who preach that outbound links would hurt your rankings because they direct traffic away from your website, but that’s just a myopic view that ignores the HUGE benefits that outbound links bring to your website.
What Are Outbound Links
Outbound links are the links to other websites posted on your page. At the same time, inbound links are the ones that direct traffic from other websites to yours, outbound links direct traffic away from your page to other websites. Now why would you want to add links that direct traffic away from you?
Because outbound links to high-authority websites are good for you. Not only does it pass some of that sweet link juice to your site, it also helps direct users (real people visiting your website) to other, high quality, websites. Since it’s useful for their search intent, you’re actually helping them in their search journey. This builds trust and can lead to higher traffic for your site.
Furthermore, when you post related links on your website, it helps Google better understand your niche. This brings in context, helping users gain a better understanding of where your website sits in the vast ecosystem of the web.
Top Tips For Outbound Link Placement
- Outbound links are necessary for your blog, but you should refrain from bombarding it with such links. Always consider quality over quantity.
- Link to pages that add value and are related to your blog.
- Link to articles having good page and domain authority.