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All about Duplicate Content and SEO

It is no breaking news that there is nearly an infinite amount of content on the internet. Videos, images, blog posts, slides, you name it, it's there on the internet. However, in that infinite number, how much is duplicate content? Google has the highest search market share of over 81.74%,… Read More

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What are Google Penalties and How to Recover From Them? A Complete Guide

Introduction: Google Penalties, or Google Actions as they are officially called, are by far the wors...

Read More April 22nd, 2024
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Understanding User Intent in Search

As Google evolves, one thing remains constant – user intent. Google has always been keen on un...

Read More April 1st, 2024
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Can You Rank Without Link Building?

The question, “How to Rank without backlinks?” or “Can you do SEO without backlinks?”...

Read More February 29th, 2024
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