Published on July 2nd, 2020 Link-Building-Strategies-2020- Featured-Image

The Best Link Building Strategies For 2020

It’s no secret that backlinks remain one of the most important SEO ranking factors and continue to play a vital role in SERP rankings. That’s why SEOs need to find the best ways to earn high-quality backlinks that can help improve rankings and traffic for their sites.

In this post, we will not only reveal the best link building strategies for 2020 but will also provide you with a roadmap to implement them effectively.

Let’s get started!

1. Guest Blogging

White-hat guest blogging can do wonders for your brand! By providing high-quality guest blogs to other sites in your niche, you are providing great value to the overall ecosystem. Other websites get another excellent article for their blog, your audience finds relevant and useful information, and you establish yourself as a thought leader.

Moreover, Google’s algorithm has evolved, and it gives great importance to the quality of backlinks as well. Getting a link from websites with a higher authority, a lot of email subscribers, and a massive social following can do wonders for your website.

Some of the best sites to contribute to are the ones with high EAT. Make sure to reach out to high-ranking blogs in your niche to get noteworthy results. Getting one backlink from a more authoritative website can bring in more visitors to your site than getting multiple backlinks from websites with minimal traffic.

results of a guest blogging study
Getting referral traffic can be one of the first steps in bringing in customers to your sales funnel. Image source: Ahrefs.


Here are a few steps to find such blogs.

  1. Research the blog post you want to write about.
  2. Make your list of the top 10 blogs that best cover that topic.
  3. Analyze your top 10 blogs – audience interests, well-performing posts, and the blog user experience. It will let you know how to write a killer guest blogging pitch by creating a win-win situation. Let the editors know how your guest blog post would be beneficial for their blog by relating it to the aforementioned aspects.


If you provide them exceptionally well content, chances are they will invite you themselves next time. So, give it your 100%!


2. Unlinked Brand Mentions

Find out how many websites have mentioned your brand or company name online. You may be surprised by how many just mention your brand name and not link to your site.

Unlinked-mentions-image ressett digital
Example of an unlinked brand mention for Link Building HQ.


But take it as a compliment. These websites have already accepted your brand worth. Now, you only need to reach out to them and request them to link the brand mentioned to your website.

You could convert unlinked brand mentions into the linked ones by following these steps:

  1. Instead of manually searching for unlinked brand mentions, use tools like Link Prospector by Citation Labs or Mentions Tracker by Ahrefs to sort out unlinked brand mentions.
  2. Reach out to them and ask them to link the brand mention to the relevant page on your site.


3. Leveraging Social Media

Social media is not limited to building personal connections. Organic mentions are now one of the strongest pillars of marketing and getting backlinks nowadays. If you are missing out on social media, then it means you are losing a considerable fan following, engagement, social traffic as well as backlinks to your website.

While social media backlinks may not be direct ranking factors, they can improve your visibility and help you earn organic backlinks from other websites. As AJ Kohn put it, “It’s not the actual social activity that matters, but what happens as a result of that activity.”

How To Earn Social Media Backlinks
Want to learn how to use social media to earn quality links? Click here to read the full article.


Figure out which social media platforms have the best traffic potential for your brand.  You can use different analytics tools to get better data and make more informed decisions regarding which social media platforms to focus more on. Come up with catchy headlines and keep your content quality high to get massive social shares and backlinks. Otherwise, you may lose the audience’s interest quickly.


4. Content Repurposing

Coming up with detailed and up-to-date content is not a piece of cake. It demands time and in-depth research to reveal valuable insights. But once it’s done, content repurposing does not require that much effort. For example, a case study in the form of infographics may be transformed into a video or a podcast. This allows you to upload what is essentially the same content to different platforms, such as your podcast and YouTube channels.

Examples of Repurposing Content
Image Source: Social Champ


For now, figure out your content pieces, which could be transformed into multiple file formats to get an exponential increase in backlinks and website traffic. Keep exploring new ways to deliver content; more content transformation means you get more eyeballs.


5. Competitor Analysis

Competitive analysis can reveal valuable insights, especially if you’re a new player in your industry. Here are a few tips on how to get started with a comprehensive competitive analysis:

  • Identify your major competitors based on your industry and target keywords. You can take advantage of advanced tools, such as Ahrefs and SEMrush, here. Enter your desired keywords, and these tools will display the top page ranking for them.
  • Now, analyze their backlinks sources. Observe from where they are getting a significant portion of these links. It could be news sites, relevant blogs, or corporate sites.
  • Within no time, you will discover “already working” strategies that have the potential to gain backlinks. It could be guest blogging, networking, or social media for your business. However, you have to know your strengths and weaknesses to understand which strategy will work best for you.


Ahrefs batch analysis of competitors
Image source: Ahrefs


So, there you have it – my favorite tips for link building in 2020. While generating valuable content remains the backbone for getting organic backlinks from high-authority sites, these top tips will give you an edge over your competitors and keep you ahead in the game. Try them out and see the results for yourself. Good luck!

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Published on July 2nd, 2020
Updated on January 23rd, 2024

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